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Command Coordination

Posted on Fri Apr 19th, 2019 @ 5:32am by Commander Boq'ta Vadosia & Lieutenant MacKenzie Jordan & Ensign Nilis Adar

Mission: Array of Sun
Location: Captain's Ready Room
Timeline: Mission Day 1 at 1600

Commander Vadosia sat in his office reviewing the personnel files of the new transfers. Putting into port always resulted in paperwork. And paperwork wasn't why the Bolian had joined Starfleet.

"Half of the engineering department just got replaced," he said aloud despite being alone in the room. "And the surgical team," he continued as he scrolled through the list. A separate list had the members of the special science and technical team the Polaris was now playing host to. He'd already met the team's leader, Lieutenant Jordan. The Lieutenant was, based on his record, very smart. Especially with computers and data security. From his meeting with the young dark-skinned Human, Boq'ta knew that the Lieutenant lacked some confidence. His previous failure in a command leadership position probably played a part in that, but only time would tell how things would go this time.

Before the Bolian could start reviewing the fuel consumption report, the announcer sounded.


The doors parted and MacKenzie entered the Ready Room, Adar in tow. He'd asked his deputy to accompany him so that he could meet Commander Vadosia since they would likely interact more in the future.

"Good afternoon, Commander," Jordan offered.

"Lieutenant," Boq'ta said simply.

Motioning towards the Trill man, MacKenzie continued, "This is my deputy, Ensign Nilis Adar. I thought you two should meet and this seemed as good a time as any."

"Good to meet you, Ensign," the goateed Bolian said.

“Likewise sir,” the Trill replied. “A pleasure to be aboard. I know I won’t have much hand in the day to day operations of the ship, but I’ve always held a lot of love for these old Excelsiors.”

Boq'ta scoffed. "My last assignment was on an Akira. Now that was a ship. This one," he said, "the Polaris is a solid ship, don't get me wrong. But I'd love to put a Century through its paces." He paused for a moment, almost as if daydreaming. "Anytime you want to pitch in around here, Ensign, let me know. You an engineer?" He knew that Scientific and Technical Assessment Teams were, essentially, a bunch of science and engineer types, so it was a safe wager that the Trill Ensign in a gold collar was a techie.

"Security, sir," Adar responded politely. "I studied tactics at the Academy. Three lives worth of science makes you not want to do it anymore."

The Bolian Commander laughed. "Absolutely. Plenty of smart, techies around. And they need people like us, you and me Ensign, to keep them safe." He leaned back in his chair. "I came up in Tactical. Spent time in Strategic Operations and fleet staff positions before moving into Command. But that all seems like ancient history now. What brings you both up here?"

"Well, Commander, we've gotten our first mission. We wanted to work out, with you, the logistics. I'm not sure where the Polaris is headed first, but if we can get a ride at least part of the way to Neethia, that would be helpful."

"I don't know why we couldn't do that," Vadosia replied. "We're heading to Izar, so we can at least get you part of the way."

"Thanks, Commander," MacKenzie said. "Either Ensign Adar or I will continue to work with you in the future to coordinate these sorts of things."

Boq'ta nodded. "That sounds great, Lieutenant." He tilted his head. "What are we doing about pickup? When are you going to be done at Neethia?"

"That's hard to say since we don't know what the specific issue is with the array," Jordan answered. "Once we get there, it should take us a day or two. Maybe longer, if it's a serious enough issue. I think you'll still be up at Izar, so we can head your direction and, perhaps, we'll meet part way."

"Works for me," the Bolian said. "My door is always open, Lieutenant, Ensign."

"Thank you, sir," Jordan said, preparing to leave.

After the two young officers left, Boq'ta returned to his PADDs. "There's always more paperwork," he said as he scrolled through more briefings and reports.


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